Creative Portfolio

Elevate your science with inspired design

Select Websites

The Collective for Psychiatric Neuroengineering
Kafui Dzirasa at Duke University School of Medicine

omputer monitor and mobile phone displaying the original version of The Collective for Psychiatric Neuroengineering's website before redesign by Stellate
Computer monitor and mobile phone showcasing the redesigned version of The Collective for Psychiatric Neuroengineering's website by Stellate
ECHFCA website.

Estrogens, Cardiometabolic Health, and Female Cognitive Aging
Program Project Grant at
Tulane University

Sonya Neal Lab website.

Neal Lab
Sonya Neal at
University of California, San Diego

Computer monitor displaying the homepage of Nancy Padilla-Coreano's lab website, featuring a custom illustration related to her work on the neural basis of social competence, and a mobile phone presenting the research page of her website.

Padilla-Coreano Lab
Nancy Padilla-Coreano at
University of Florida

Computer monitor displaying the homepage of Steve Ramierez's lab website, featuring custom icons representing his lab’s philosophy, and a mobile phone showing the Philosophy page of his website.

Ramirez Lab
Steve Ramirez at
Boston University

Computer monitor showing the bottom of the Research page of Ana Marie Porras's lab website, featuring a custom illustration related to her work on the relationship between the gut and heart health, and a mobile phone presenting the top of her research page that features a custom illustration related to her work on the microbiome and inflammatory bowel disease.

Porras TMI Lab
Ana Maria Porras at
University of Florida

Computer monitor displaying the Research page of Denise Cai's lab website, featuring custom icons related to the tools her lab uses to investigate memory stability and flexibility across the lifetime, and a mobile phone presenting the homepage of her website.

Cai Lab
Denise Cai at
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Computer monitor displaying the homepage of Holly Hunsberger's lab website, featuring custom icons related to her work on sex differences in aging and Alzheimer’s disease, and a mobile phone presenting the research page of her website.

Hunsberger Lab
Holly Hunsberger at Rosalind
Franklin University of Medicine and Science

Computer monitor displaying the Research page of Bianca Jones Marlin's lab website, featuring custom icons related to the tools her lab uses to investigate transgenerational epigenetic inheritance and changes in the parental brain, and a mobile phone presenting the homepage of her website.

Marlin Lab
Bianca Jones Marlin at
Columbia Zuckerman Institute

Select Logos

Magin Lab
Chelsea Magin at the University of Colorado Denver
Magin Lab's logo, redesigned by Stellate, showcases brighter colors and a silhouette of lungs, with one side composed of multi-color, differently-sized dots, symbolizing the Magin Lab's work in developing bioengineered lung cell culture platforms for studying lung disease.
When I first started working with the Stellate team, I had no idea of what I wanted for my website— from style to content, I was pretty overwhelmed. They helped me discover design preferences and voice, then guided me through the entire process. I am so happy with my lab website and highly recommend working with Stellate!
Assistant Professor in Neuroscience

Select Illustrations

Porras TMI Lab
Ana Maria Porras at University of Florida
Kheirbek Lab
Mazen Kheirbek at University of California San Francisco
Custom illustration of neurons in yellow, black, red, and grey color scheme
Custom illustration of na rodent brain reflecting the study of cortical circuits red, grey, and black color scheme
Custom illustration of synaptically connected, myelinated neurons in yellow, black, red, and grey color scheme
Custom illustration of rodent brains with colored overlay over one hemisphere reflecting work investigating brain-wide neural signatures

Select Figures

Cai Lab
Denise Cai at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Data figure for Cai Lab manuscript before redesign by Stellate
Data figure for Cai Lab manuscript after redesign by Stellate, featuring assay and tool schematics, color harmonization, and improved organization

Select Schematics

Academic paper by PI Kanaka Rajan, titled "Linking task structure and neural network dynamics," featuring a custom schematic figure designed by Stellate.
Custom schematic depicting how peptides in the brain are packaged into nanoemulsions
Custom animated schematic for the Heys Lab depicting their headfixed virtual reality assay for rodents and callouts that showcase an imaging video of neuronal activity

Select Journal Cover Art

A potential Cell Reports cover, showing Alice in Wonderland about to fall down a rabbit hole full of neurons.
A potential Cell Reports cover, showing a mouse as a marionette with neurons acting as the strings attached to its arms.

Communications Portfolio

Browse our portfolio to learn more about how our communications team can support you in securing funding, media opportunities, high-impact publications, and authentic social media engagement.